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Assist Life Stages and Transition

Assist Life Stages and Transition

Life stage transition assistance services by Angels of Mercy help you manage life stages, transition and supports. We aim at assisting people with disability and aged coordinate both short- and long-term supports more effectively for an enhanced quality of life.

Our services will help you participate more actively in your community and achieve greater ease and control. The people with disability and their families need information and advice to make decisions on regular matters as well as critical issues. We work with participants and their caregivers to understand their priorities and make the right decisions regarding support.

In life stage transition assistance services, we support participants with:

  • Social and community participation by establishing supportive community networks
  • Support coordination to simplify the complexity in support environments
  • Addressing barriers to help participants connect with supports
  • Specialist positive behaviour support for improved relationships
  • Therapeutic supports, assistive technology, and community nursing care
  • Early intervention supports for early childhood for improved health
  • Accommodation and tenancy obligations to support improved living arrangements
  • Planning for life transition stages including mentoring and peer support
  • Capacity building and individual skill development
  • Decision making and daily planning support
  • Financial mentoring and budgeting assistance

We Care For You

Our Values

Deliver care that’s as unique as every person who joins our community



Connecting with individuals to create a safe, healthy, and happy environment.



Honouring and respecting freedom of choice and individuality.



It’s what we do not just what we say for which we are accountable.



Excellence through continuous improvement in everything we do.



Building relationships to give a sense of worth and belonging,

Why choose us?

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